Sunday, April 27, 2008

Initial Thoughts on Mario Kart Wii

I'm just gonna discuss the gameplay here and now. If I can ever get some of my backlog of vids done and do a full review for Mario Kart Wii, I'll discuss other aspects.

First thought? Frustrating.

Where the fuck did those blue shells of death come from? Now, I haven't played a Mario Kart game since the SNES, so it's not surprising that I may have missed some new items along the way, but, seriously... what the fuck is that all about?

I'm also not impressed by the bikes. They look and play fine enough, but for anything more serious that some quick races with friends the karts are the way to go.

Now, that's just initial thoughts. On further examination, the game's not bad in small doses. Much like Super Smash Bros. Brawl, there's an immense number of ways to play the game which I am all for, personally. Sometimes a game's just better with a standard controller. With that said, the Wii Wheel is fun for short and simple games with a friend. It's nifty, it's new, it's gimmicky. And it works fairly well. Gamecube controller is better for playing the more difficult circuits, though.

And, Mr. Grape, it's true, there is a barrage of items thrown around. More than once I would find myself smashed by a red shell, followed by a bob-omb explosion or one of those POW items, then finally one of those accursed blue shells. That puts me far behind. And it's really fucking annoying.

I'll reiterate that it's fun in short doses, though. But, I think I'll be getting more play out of my copy of Resident Evil 4 I finally bought while I was there to pick up Mario Kart Wii. At least, once I've unlocked all the karts and characters.


Mario Kart Wii, sorry if you don't see me all day.

Totally let you know what I think of it tomorrow. Unless it sucks, then you'll hear about it later today.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

OCD Neat Freak... Usually.

I like my things organized. All my movies, games, and CDs are in alphabetical order. It used to be that I was as organized in my creative ideas. I had a stack of notebooks. One was for lyrics and poetry, one was for dreams, one for bass riffs, etc., etc. Anymore, I just scribble my idea down onto anything handy due to many difficulties in this system: it was too annoying trying to locate the appropriate book from where I had it last, impractical to carry numerous notebooks when I'm on the go, if I had an idea at work I didn't generally have the time to find a notebook I may have brought with me... there were many issues.

Anyway, the whole point to this entry is that I have misplaced the red notebook which had at the end of it the very basic [and barely legible] script idea for "Your Dark Princess". (>_<) This isn't so much a problem of not having the script. Most of it is already contained within a notepad file here on this computer, and I'm fairly confident either I or Tebo could remember any specifics not already typed up. The problem is I have no idea what else was in that notebook [my memory is ostensibly the entire reason I write down any ideas I have as soon as I can].

If you happen to know the whereabouts of my red notebook, please let me know.

UPDATE: Found it! It was tucked into the stupid GED prep book I got.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Holy hell!

Another game to look forward to!

Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe. Holy shit, yeah! And yet another reason for me to desperately want a PS3, because I'm not a big fan of fighting games with the Xbox controller, greatly prefer the Playstation controller for fighting games.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Graphic Seasonal Violence

Holy shit! As of yesterday, summer seems to officially be here. Yesterday, above 70ºF. Day before that? I don't think it even reached 65ºF. The sun was litetally in the sky yesterday for an hour longer than it had been the day before, or so it seemed.

Summer just leapt upon me in a dark alley, beat the shit out of me, raped my asshole, and then didn't even have the decency to leave me alone; broken and violated. It just hovers over me, enveloping me with the unnatural heat it exudes! Mocking! Jeering at my shame!

I hate summer.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Instead of a Vidlog... Rambling Text.

I don't have the patience to wait and wait for this computer, which has randomly slowed down to a dying crawl all of a sudden, to actually be bothered to load websites and uploaders and such, so! You're getting a weblog instead of a vidlog.

Bought some new games:

Luigi's Mansion [NGC]
Star Ocean: Till The End of Time [PS2] [fun game, just never got around to owning it myself]
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass [NDS]

I also reserved Mario Kart Wii, so, can hardly wait to enjoy that once it's out.

News in my life... almost seems like nothing, as usual... let me think harder...

Note of interest! Why does everyone but me care so fucking much about me taking the GED exam? I don't even care, why should they? Is it weird that they seem so invested in it? Is that normal for people who claim to care about whether or not you get some silly-ass wannabe diploma?

Oh, hey, relived [in that I told the story to someone else, not in that I reenacted them a second time] some painful memories. Almost falling out of a moving car, falling over stairs and snapping my collarbone, putting my arms through a window... good times, in retrospect. Sucked in their own moments, but as stories from my past, good times.

"Your Dark Princess" vid being worked toward some more, purchased supplies to create the necessary backdrop. Barring an untimely death, will be working more on that this coming Friday. A new idea was brought up 'twixt Tebo and myself for a script that could be potentially intriguing. We'll see where that goes, neh?

Haven't really worked on music in forever. I recorded an cappella song in the hopes of whetting appetites for that sXc album that's forever in progress. Haven't mixed it yet, haven't had much free access to the computer lately. I think I'm reaching a breaking point for working by myself. I'm a very co-dependent person, so, I desperately need that collaborative feel of being in a band, but no one I know plays an instrument [including me], I'm too shy for meeting new people easily, and I suck at singing. Whoopee!

I think I'm done rambling for now. Stay tuned for the next stream of consciousness weblog!

If anybody else out there feels that they're starting to get sick of me, please don't make lame excuses. Just tell me straight up the deal. I feel as though this is happening currently, though I won't name names [I'm damn near certain she doesn't read this thing, nor does anybody else whom would know the person if I did type a name, but I'm still not going to] and it sucks. It could be my paranoia working again, but it just feels like she absolutely does not want to be around me.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Crisis Averted?

More like crisis postponed, but I'll take what I can get.

Monday, April 7, 2008


Could be few and far between on announcements, vids, etc. etc. Runnin' into some computer issues, slowin' my internet waaaaay down.

So, if you don't see me for a week, or even a few days, that's why.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

For Mavrek's Curiosity

Some of my favorite movies when I was littler were The Crow, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Warriors of Virtue, Clue, and Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie. As I've grown, Warriors of Virtue and Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie kind of fell off that particular list, though I still enjoy them. To take their place, though, came along X-Men, X2: X-Men United, and Superbad.

So, current favorite movies list [in no particular order]:

The Crow
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
X2: X-Men United