Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Every now and again, I think to myself "All right, I'm gonna sit down and work on music all by myself, do up an instrumental, and then write some lyrics."

Unfortunately for me, anytime I have this thought it's because I've forgotten one simple fact that prevents this.


One of two things happens:
1. I get an idea in my head for a topic, a particular sound of voice, or even just a lyrical flow or beat in my head. Hell, it could even be just one clever line I think of. And... that's it. I either can't make music that fits the flow at all, or I can't make music that sounds right with the voice, or something. Or,

A. I make a nifty little piece of music, a nice little beat that I actually like, and then can't think of a gods damned thing to say over top of it. I music files that've been sitting around for years waiting for a spark of inspiration.

It's fucked up, and the main reason I rely nigh solely on others for the music and I supply the vox. Because my voice is the stronger, so, it'd be silly for me to try and write music for other people when 90% of the music I write is shitty.

Just felt like gettin' that off my chest as I wrote yet another li'l bit o' music that I really like, but can not seem to sing over.

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