Thursday, May 22, 2008


Today's been interesting. Nothing like fixing a light fixture stark naked and dripping wet. *sigh*

Good news, I now have my learner's permit. Maybe I'll start growing up...


EDIT: I forgot to mention, I broke half of my spacebar, so, typing's a whole new experience. Bit slower, but I'm getting used to it.


Mr. Grape said...

Okay, i think just about all of that needs more details...

Sixty X Celph said...

Well, the light fixture nearly fell on my head while I was drying myself off after my shower, so I had to put that back quickly as it was hanging by wires.

I got my learner's permit yesterday, which is the first step in getting my license to drive.

As for my spacebar... well, technically, I broke one-third of it, actually. If you think of it as there being three points on it, left, middle, and right, the right point's broken and unresponsive when I press. Somehow one of the hooks under the spacebar snapped. I just rock that much with my typing.

Anonymous said...

Learner's permit???

About goddamn time, eh?