Wednesday, March 26, 2008

New Vid

A "review" of August Rush.


Most of my comedy is done in the way of the hilariously absurd. So, sometimes, you have to know me and my stance on a subject to get the irony and joke. For instance, I make a lot of potentially racist and sexist jokes because the idea of racism and sexism is fucking ridiculous to me, so, I'm being ironic when I tell my Asian friend to do his math homework, because it's a ridiculous stereotype and the very idea makes me laugh.

I get that this upsets some people, anyway, but let me know that and I curb it around you. I've gotten to the point where I just plain keep it to myself and test boundaries 'til I find out what's cool and what's too far. So don't get terribly upset at me if in the future I say something that offends you. Just let me know that you don't find it as amusing as I do, and I'll stop. But after that, you should really take a good look at your choices in things to take too seriously, such as what some fat, white boy thinks.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Grumpy Ol' Sixty

I've had a revelation. I really think I'm gonna be a grumpy old man, if I make it to old age. I'll be the guy yellin' "Get the fuck off my lawn, you little pricks!" and complainin' about how kids have it easier than I did.

So, if anyone's around for that part of my life, just remember I foretold it.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Army of None

So, if your game is based entirely on the concept of co-op gameplay, you would make it so that you could actually PLAY THE GAME WITH YOUR FRIENDS, right?

I can't say this from firsthand knowledge, but from what I've read and what I understand, unless you meet a specific set of requirements, you cannot play two-player co-op. Those requirements being, two Xbox 360 consoles and two Gold level accounts. That's right, no LAN's unless everyone's got Gold-level accounts. What the fuck? Seriously, I've almost gotten used to the idea of no local multiplayer for a game, though that pisses me right the fuck off as well, but you can't even hook up a couple Xbox 360's and play it with your friends? Most of my friends don't even have 360's, and I would love to sit with some of my friends and play Army of Two. But, y'know what? I'm never going to, because I'm not even going to buy Army of Two, I've lost all interest in the game now.

Fuck you, Electronic Arts!