Tuesday, December 1, 2009

When Robots Attack

I don't know if anyone noticed, but, there've been a lot of adverts appearing in the comments section 'round here. Quite annoying. But, I'm here with good news! Blog's making a move. So, from now on, if you've any interest in new posts, you'll be able to find them at the following URL: http://sixtyxcelph.tumblr.com

So, enjoy! That is all for now.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Hoooly shit

It has been FOR-fucking-EVER. I keep meaning to come back to this and something happens, I get distracted, just somethin', y'know? But, I am still alive! I still have access to a computer! I'm still playing vidgames and watching movies! I'm saving up for a car, but, I suck at saving money and not buying stuff to make me feel better, so, it's slow. I've been working, whee for gas stations, but, I am apparently DA BOMB at it, which is not necessarily a great thing. But I've been working at the one right by my house while I'm waiting for the new store to open, where I will then go to work. Visiting my darling girlfriend, Miss Jess'ka, whenever I can. With any luck we'll even be getting an apartment together soon, which would be rad. I miss her whenever she's not around. But, yeah. Random news! I've grown quite fond of Arizona green tea with ginseng and honey. Mmmmmm. But, hopefully I'll be posting some new stuff more frequently. I'm not sure what yet. Some review stuff, maybe? I dunno, there's a lot of stuff I'm trying to get around and settled in life, so, working on reviews and things of that sort kind of take a backseat. As is apparent with the nigh shutdown of my YouTube account. A complete lack of activity. For which I am sad. But, I am trying, so, whee, let's all cross our fingers!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Two in one night, oh joy!

I worry that anything I say or do may influence the way people talk to me and the things people say to me. It's the reason I tend to keep a lot of complaints and opinions to myself.

Like, I'll say something, express some opinion, and from then on whomever I was speaking with or around when I said whatever will think to themselves, "Oh, well, I'll just keep this to myself from now. I won't mention it to him."

I don't want that to happen. I worry about that happening.

An opinion about an argument.

So, let's have us a little chat.

About abortion.

Okay, not really about abortion. About a particular argument oft used when arguing about abortion:

"You don't get to have an opinion on this because you're not a woman."

First of all, fuck you. You may not feel that my opinion is valid, because I'm a male and thus can not actually birth a child. You're welcome to feel that way. But don't tell me I can't have a gods damned opinion. I can have an opinion about anything I want.

On that note, I often do have an opinion on anything and everything.

Do I think men should be making final decisions on the topic of abortion? Oh, hell no. For the same reasons I'm told I can't have an opinion. No man should be telling a woman whether or not she must have a baby. But he can gods damned well have an opinion on the matter.

Y'ever notice how that particular proclamation generally only comes about once a woman' run out of clear, valid arguments? Or come to a point they can't really disagree with or argue against? Yeah.

It's akin to when your 'rents would tell you, "Because I said so!"

It just irks me. There is no good reason why I can't have an opinion on the matter. And, as far as I'm concerned, no reason why my opinion is not as valid as the majority of women out there.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Inebriation and Paranoia

Allow me to preface this by saying that, with the exception of the post made on the seventh, nothing recently has really been about anyone specifically. Except for this preface, which is really to mein Jess'ka and mein chickadee. =P No one did anything that upset me and sent me on a blogging spree. Promise.

On that note, though, it's not so much that I get particularly upset about people getting drunk, unless it's something that occurs often. It's just that I'm paranoid. And it's not even necessarily that I'm worried about a drunk friend doing something, it's as much that I'm worried about something being done to them, ya dig?

Also, this is a good time to say that this mostly applies to when they're drunk and I'm not there with them. If I'm there, aussi, I feel more secure and I feel more like I could help. I could maybe stop them from doing something stupid and hurting themselves or help them if a situation arose in which they needed help. So, that concept, idea, thing applies to both this and my last entry on inebriation. If I'm there, I'm far less concerned about it.

But, where was I? Oh, yes, my paranoia. Right, I worry a lot. Like, a whole lot. Irritatingly so. I worry about absolutely retarded things happening. And, as stated in the last one on a similar topic, bad things are more likely to happen when a person is inebriated. It opens certain windows of opportunity. And I'm quite the paranoid motherfucker. I realize, in rereading it and based on responses to it, that it seems I'm placing all kinds of negativity on drunk people. "Ohhh, you're drunk, you're a bad person and you're going to do terribly, awful, bad things." It's not that at all. Okay, that's not true, that's part of it. But, far more of a concern on my mind is "Oh, you're drunk, blackouts/passouts are quite likely. You may get hurt." So, while I worry about whether or not a person may make a bad decision [and believe me, there's a particular concern there, remember, trust issues], I'm far more worried about whether or not something bad is merely going to happen, whether it's the drunk person's decision or not.

And all of that, to say again, is really only when I'm not there, aussi. When I can't know what's going on.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Death of An Angel.

An Angel was born the seventh of February, 1981.

An Angel died the sixth of July, 2009.

I had ideas when I opened Notepad of what to write. I don't anymore, though. Part of it is I don't necessarily feel like I have any right to say anything. Inqy's husband and daughter are certainly in far worse pain than I am. Inqy had much closer friends who are certainly in far worse pain than I am.

Then, there's the point that I haven't talked to her in a long while. Largely because of a very petty move on my part which I don't even know if she was aware of occuring. And to that point, I don't even know if she remembers me at all. Or ever thought about me. And I didn't make much of an effort to contact her too often because I assumed she did not, had not. I assumed she was better off without me bothering her.

But, when I heard about her death last night, the news rendered me in such a state that I could not explain to my Jess'ka why I was crying because I was having difficulty speaking.

In short, I am conflicted.

And here I am, again, unsure what to say.

Today has been strange. No one I interact with on a day-to-day basis, excluding when I sign in come evening, knows who Angel Yates is. They don't know that this delightful, funny, terrifically talented artist died yesterday morning. They don't know how many people are hurting from this. A human being copes better if they have someone with which they can share their pain because they feel it, aussi. Hence the existence of funerals and wakes. I do not have this. Luckily, I am well-equipped to handle myself. But it makes the day strange.

There is a memorial service in Sarasota, Florida, on the eleventh of July, 2009, for an Angel who died. It is impossible for me to be there to pay my respects in person. But she will be missed terribly by many people. She was a wonderful friend while I had the honor. My best wishes go to Roley and Jubee in her absence.


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Inebriation and Trustworthiness

Let us take a moment and consider a correlation betwixt inebriation and trustworthiness, insofar as I am concerned.

My trust can sometimes be finicky. At least, in how I decide whom to trust and how much to trust them. It would be incorrect to say that it is difficult for me to trust people, because there are some instances where I feel comfortable enough to trust someone nigh entirely nigh immediately. But, it would also be incorrect to say that I trust people easily. There are some instances where I never trust a person. It's case-by-case, and largely a subconscious decision, to begin with. It can be altered by actions in the course of a relationship, usually to the detriment of my level of trust in the person.

Alcohol. Can be tasty, but, too much can cause a lowering or utter lack of inhibitions. Or, substandard judgment. Perhaps one could go so far as to say alcohol lowers morality? However you phrase it, it does that for a time. A relatively short period of time; a day at most.

But, in that period of time, my trust in a person, even if it's utter and nigh complete, dwindles to nothing. I do not feel I can trust someone to be the person I know. I do not feel I can trust someone to not hurt themselves. I do not feel I can trust someone to not hurt other people. I do not feel I can trust someone to remain faithful.

And that's the correlation betwixt inebriation and trustworthiness. As level of inebriation rises, level of trustworthiness lowers. As far as I am concerned, anyway.

And that's one problem I have with people getting drunk. I'll have to explain what constitutes being called drunk in my opinion, as opposed to tipsy and all that, since it seems to differ person to person. But, that'll have to be another time.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Y'know why I say I'm not a nice person?

Because I have a lot of not nice thoughts.

Breaking News: People are still shit.

Every now and again I'll try following the news again; I'll start reading the newspaper, reading articles on the Newsfeed on my Wii, that sort of thing. It never lasts long, though, because invariably I come across some piece of news that just pisses me the fuck off. Some rape, some murder, some abuse, some terrible combination of the three. And all my resolve to keep up with the news dissolves. Always happens, usually within a couple days. The longest I've managed to go without coming across such a story is a week.

So, I started again over this past weekend, and, lo and behold, on the 29th, in my local paper, there ran this story: 26-year-old man kidnaps and attempts to rape six-year-old girl. I'd love to link you, but, you can feel free to look up whatever details you can find about dear old Justin Shine of Massachusetts.

Yep. My hate for people remains strong. And now, because I started thinking about that again, my thoughts have turned quite dark for the day.

I've been reading a Kurt Vonnegut book called Cat's Cradle, and there's a method of capital punishment that I am currently inclined to agree with. It's simply called "the hook", and how it works is you pierce a person's stomach, from one side to the other, on a large hook and then you hang them from it, face-up, until they die. Maybe I'm just a violent person, but, I rather like the sound of that when I'm in one of these moods.

Let's hope my thoughts and mood improve before this evening.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Imagine that, this thing's still around.

So, I'm told I've been ignoring my blog. Or neglecting my blog. Or no such accusations were made, but, I was told I should write a new blog post. To be perfectly honest, I was surprised by this. But, we've been over all of that in a previous entry, so, let's just move on.

So, I've been neglecting the blog, or at least not posting anything new. And that's simply because I don't have much else new to post. I mean, I haven't been watching any new movies as of late, been far, far too broke. I did post that E3 Microsoft press conference thing, and fully intended to post one for Nintendo and Sony, aussi, but I never got around to it and it just got to a point where it seemed to be far too late to actually post it, so... I just didn't. Had everything that I had intended to type up and post, but... yeah, too late by this point, I figure.

Which leaves what these blogs started out as when they were first invented, whichever website was first. Blogging, weblogging, a journal on the internets. Yeah, I don't lead a life interesting enough to warrant trying to post anything about it at all. And even if I did, it would quickly become the same thing repeated quite often. The joys of living far away from people and being unemployed. Not to mention, I just suck at keeping a journal. I always have trouble remembering everything that happened withing the day, and I always feel like I'm forgetting something. Always, always, always. So, that just doesn't work for me, I just don't think I have it in me to make a written record of everything I do. Because I don't do anything, haha. Usually [not always, because there have been instances in which I have not] I'll post a big, long blog if anything worth sharing happens. And speaking of sharing, let us move on to another reason, shall we?

Sharing. I'm not sure when it happened, but, somewhere over the past few years I stopped being quite as open about everything. I mean, I still don't have secrets, but, they're not as readily available. They actually have to be inquired into, they're not directly offered. And now, I'm slowly coming to terms with and realizing that people pay attention to the things I say. Not just here, but, anywhere remotely public. Facebook status messages are another good example. I have to watch what I say, or how I say it, because people are listening [I just need the tinfoil hat now, huh?] Figuratively speaking, of course, nothing's actually being said or heard [except for the sounds of my typing, sorry Miss Jess'ka! =P], it's all text. But you know what I mean! So, that sometimes kills some things I could type about, when I've wanted to type about them. Because someone may actually read it. And, I know, don't get started on "Well, that's the point, otherwise, why are you posting it to the internets?" Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Mmkay, right on, how about what I've done before, picking some abstract topic, nothing specific to anyone, but just something on my mind that I want to talk about? Well... yeah, everything I've thought about lately has either just been too whiney or just sounds stupid as something to talk about. I know that being whiney and emo has not stopped me in the past, but, I really don't want that to be me, y'know? And I feel like a tool every time I do it, I hate bitching about things, so, no, I'm not going to do that. No.

Okay, how about some of the things I said I would do? There were some game reviews I said I would probably do here on this blog, as well as some thoughts and opinions on this band I've never heard of before. But, alas, I just simply haven't felt like doing them. And I'm a shithead. A smart shithead, though, who never actually said when these things would be done, though, y'see. Because, let's face it, this is a hobby. Posting my opinions [for all two of you to actually read] doesn't really accomplish besides allowing me to kill some time. It's not a job or anything, so, whee for slacking off when I simply don't feel like it. Which is unfortunate for anyone who was looking forward to [seriously?] anything I have to say. And I still maintain that some day I'll get back into doing so, but, for right now I'm far too invested in other things in life.

Well, then we're in a little bit of pickle, Dick. Because that leaves me without many options. Sure, I could go on a verbose diatribe about why I've not been posting [CHECK!] But, then what? Where does this go from here? If I ever watch a new movie again, there'll be a new mini-review [what number are we on, anyway?] If I ever do anything again, and I feel it's something anyone cares to read about, I'll have something to share right? Assuming it's something I'm allowed to share. (^_~) But as it stands right now, I just don't have anything.

But, I'll get back to you on that. I'm still around, promise. And who knows, maybe tomorrow I'll think of some topic to type about. Maybe I'll post something about the books I've read lately, as I got around to requesting a new library card, so, I've been readin' bookz wit' werdz in 'em. We'll see, we'll see.

I don't know where I was intending to go with this, I kind o' just started with that first paragraph and went from there, stream-of-consciousness style. My bad if it's too long.

Monday, June 1, 2009

E3 2009: Microsoft... "All in one box"

Sounds dirty, doesn't it? This year, I'm going to try to make this less cluttered and so anyone reading can just skip right by the things they want. As opposed to the walls of text I did for last year's E3. So, to begin with, a rundown of the games premiered and showcased!

--The Beatles: Rock Band
It's more Rock Band, am I right? Um, most interesting aspect, to me, is the harmonizing. Beyond that, though, it's... Rock Band with Beatles songs. They showed of ten of the forty-five songs that will be on the disc, and I only knew a couple of them. My mother's interest was piqued, though. And my grandmother will be hella interested in the box set that's coming out the same day as the game, 09/09/09. The two remaining Beatles and the two wives of the dead Beatles came out, though, so... woo. It was a bit awkward with Ringo and Paul, though, talking about how great the game is and looks. They just don't strike me as vidgame savvy.

--Tony Hawk Ride
No interest. Except for a mild curiosity in the skateboard peripheral, from a technical standpoint. I'm curious how well it works and how well it simulates actual skateboarding. Time shall tell.

--Modern Warfare 2
My interest in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare has been growing quite a bit recently, mostly because I keep hearing that it's an amazing story. I don't give a shit about the competitive multiplayer, but, over the past couple months I've been hearing more about the singleplayer.

Unfortunately, what they showed of the game didn't really show much of the story, so, as of yet my interest in this sequel is looow. But, I will say that the action looked hella fun. Shooting guys off of snowmobiles and such.

--Final Fantasy XIII
Woot whoop! Best part of this was getting to see the combat gameplay, which seems to have dropped the run around style that is in Final Fantasy XII. Which is awesome, because while it can be fun, it's not my preferred way to play an RPG, especially not Final Fantasy. Other than that, what do you want to know? It's FFXIII. Uh... there's a Chocobo chick living in the black guy's afro! If you didn't already know that.

--Shadow Complex
EPIC developed Xbox Live Arcade game. I honestly don't know what to say about it. It looks interesting enough, little 2D action/shooter. But... yeah, it's an XBLA release that wasn't really explained terribly well, since Donald Mustard had some microphone trouble. But, from the sounds of things, they're just looking to make a fun 2D action/shooter. Nothing innovative was really touched upon or shown, so, if that's enough for you, keep a lookout for it!

Side note, it did appear that CliffyB [I don't care if he doesn't like that name, he's stuck with it for me] was wearing a shirt with Bill Gates' old mug shots printed on it.

--Joy Ride
Another Xbox Live Arcade title, this one let's you race cars with your Avatar! Woo? Yeah, doesn't do much for me. Seems to be just a basic cart racer with the sole hook of incorporating your Avatar. Also, "it's free to download and free to play", but things like extra cars, tracks, and other stuff will need to be bought. Maybe I'm just cynical, but, that makes me think there won't be much contained in the basic, free download. We'll see.

--Crackdown 2
Now, I never got around to playing the first Crackdown. The most I played was the demo, and I was relatively unimpressed, but the trailer for the sequel interests me a hell of a lot more. Mostly because of the seemingly more horror element present. Monsters and infected folk and the like. Or is that present in the first game and just never talked about anywhere?

--Left 4 Dead 2
Already? Yep, apparently coming November 17th. My guess is that it's going to be a lot like the first one, but with new people. And now the inclusion of melee weapons like axes and chainsaws! So, yeah, another sequel who's original I did not get to play yet, aside from the demo.

--Splinter Cell: Conviction
Good gods, this seems to be the year of sequels to games I have not been able to play! This game looks awesome, though, and makes me wish I could get my hands on the other games as soon as possible to get caught up. I especially like the integration of the story-telling into the gameplay. Not a new concept at all, but still something I like seeing pop up more and more often. The way the game goes about telling you your objective is very cool, nice and cinematic: it puts it in the sky, on the walls of buildings, things like that.

--Forza Motorsport 3
No interest on my part, I'm not much of one for racing games anymore, they've grown too complex and technical for me to really enjoy. I will say that the cars look great, though.

The "potential" they say is there for their in-game video editor is complete bullshit, though, if it's what it seems to be to me. Unless you have a half-dozen or so friends who are experts at Forza Motorsport 3, and I mean fucking experts, you aren't going to be recording and creating any of the stuff shown in that vid.

--Halo 3: ODST
Do I even really need to say anything? It's more Halo, if you've enjoyed the Halo games thus far and you want more, here it comes! If you have not liked them and have avoided them, here's another to skip! A point brought up is that the first Halo's pistol is making a comeback in this. Woot.

I am more interested in another story set in the Halo universe, personally, especially since the narrative will be different [though only different relative to previous Halo games] in that it's told in flashback format as you find clues. So, you'll see varying perspectives at the same time as progressing the main storyline and putting it together. Intriguing.

And there's a new cooperative mode that's mentioned only in name, Firefight. I'm going to venture a guess that this is something akin to Gears of War 2's Horde mode, though.

--Halo Reach
Almost nothing was shown or shared about this, except a little teaser and the knowledge that it's forthcoming. Prequel, sequel, FPS, another RTS, something completely different? No idea. I speculate that it's a sequel to Halo 3, personally.

--Alan Wake
Fuckin' FINALLY! Let us hope that it stays on track this time. Spring 2010 release, cross your fingers everyone! Some gameplay footage that kind of reminds me of Alone in the Dark, mostly in the use of light as a weapon that showcases the story a bit.

So, you're a science fiction writer who's woken up to find your wife missing and the first couple pages of a manuscript you've written. The bitch of it is, everyone you had written is coming true! So, you're searching for the rest of the manuscript so you can find out what's happening, find your wife, and save yourself while fighting off what the fuck every it is that's attacking you, it's difficult to make out.

An interesting science fiction, mystery thriller that I've been looking to since it was first announced in... '05? '06?

--Metal Gear: Rising
A Raiden-focused Metal Gear game. Intriguing. I've heard that Raiden turned into a badass ninja-guy in Metal Gear Solid 4, so that, coupled with Hideo Kojima's comment that this would be a new style of gameplay for a Metal Gear game, kind of helps me along to the conclusion that we're looking at an action title akin to the Devil May Cry series, or possibly the God of War games. Which sounds hella cool to me.

Speaking of Hideo Kojima, HAH! He's at a Microsoft event saying "Metal Gear Solid is coming to the Xbox 360!" So much for his Playstation 4 Life attitude, eh?

Being that this is the last game shown at Microsoft's E3 presentation, it seems as good of a time as any to mention how pleased I am to see exclusivity dying. It's going too slow for my tastes, but it's still going. Aside from first-party developed games, it's absolutely ridiculous that games are still exclusive titles.

But, let's talk about the rest of Microsoft's show. First of all, thank the gods that they didn't throw up charts and graphs and the number-throwing was kept to an extreme minimum.

Next, let's talk about some of the new things coming to Xbox Live!

Xbox Live plus last.fm? All right, music, I'm diggin' it. Streaming songs from last.fm through my surround sound speakers sounds excellent. Not much else was said about it, though, so we'll have to wait until it drops, which is supposedly in the fall.

Xbox Live plus Facebook? What the fuck?! Yeah, I don't personally need to have that, but it doesn't seem too ridiculous. Just access to your photos, friends, and status updates/newsfeed. Right on. I'm wondering if preparation for this presentation is why Facebook has been fuck-all slow lately. Considering nigh immediately after it was over with Facebook was running correctly again. Hmmmmmmm... but, if you wanna talk about ridiculous and unnecessary...

Xbox Live plus Twitter? What the fuck?!?! Yeah, that strikes me as utterly unnecessary. But, whatev, there are people who want it I'm sure. And now they'll get it.

One more thing and then we'll get on to the highlight of Microsoft's presentation, as far as I'm concerned. Xbox Live plus Netflix will be improving. Full 1080p, finally. Watching the films your streaming in parties over Xbox Live, finally. Instant streaming... finally. Basically, all the stuff that was promised at last year's E3 about the NXE and Netflix is coming. Also, Sky TV in the UK and Ireland, for my across the pond readers. Which will include being able to watch live television right from your Xbox.

And the biggest bit of technology introduced is Project Natal. Full-body motion capture incorporated into games, the dashboard, everything. No controller necessary at all. Facial recognition to sign you in to Xbox Live as soon as you walk in front of the Project Natal camera, voice recognition and hand motions to navigate menus... intriguing as all hell for a tech-junkie, but I can't help but feel it's idealistic. At least, the hype they built for it. But, it's certainly a step. Whether it's a step toward truly immersive gameplay or the beginning of AI technology that will one day enslave the human race... I'm not sure. Seriously, do a video search for "Project Natal" and "Milo", see the interactions betwixt this AI program and this woman. Crazy. Again, either extremely immersive, imaginative, interactive gameplay, or... we're fucked. One way or the other, eventually.

But, as far as the gameplay aspect is concerned, I'm too cynical to believe that it'll be useful in anything more than very simplistic games. Not to say they won't be fun, for instance this "Ricochet" game they showed looks like a lot of fun. But I see a lot of games working poorly or being just too dumb to be any fun. Like the painting thing that was shown after "Ricochet". That holds no interest for me or anyone else I know. But, perhaps just at first, perhaps it will improve over time, but... initially, I see it bombing and not meeting these high expectations set for it. Remember the Nintendo Wii everyone? All the misleading press about how sensitive the Wii remote and nunchuk would be in simulating and translating your movements to the screen? Yeah...

A final note, speaking of the Nintendo Wii, was it really necessary for Kudo Tsunoda to diss the Wii? I mean, sure, it got the reaction I'm sure he wanted, but... cheapened his presentation in my eyes.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Mini-Reviews 37

Whoops, forgot to post this yesterday.

The Abandoned-- Not a good film. Boring, and the main character is dumb as shit, and not in a more entertaining way. That's about it.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Just a little late side note...

To avoid any confusion in case anyone else reads this, the end of that last entry is not to be taken seriously. I am not seriously complaining about not being able to purchase vidgames; I am not quite that petty. It was a joke, I wanted to end on something that made me laugh.

But seriously, though, E3's comin' and I'm looking forward to what the three console companies have planned for their conferences.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Not as entertaining a read this time, sorry

So, today and yesterday I've not been in a terribly good mood. Yesterday was my own fault. Today was not. But that's beside the point, my point is that one of the things on my mind is how shitty I am, so, let's talk about that, shall we?

So, in short, I'm ignorant and a coward. I don't know what I'm doing or where I'm going or, hell, even when. And I really hate the amount of hand-holding it would appear I require. I know, that's all terribly cryptic, but I've come to the realization that I'm just not down with sharing full-detail information with anyone who happens to wander across this blog.

To top it all off, I'm fat, hairy, ugly, I hate my voice, my stomach sucks and it makes me feel ill way too often, I'm broke as shit, and the vicious circle that is my mind hates me even more because I hate myself. What the fuck, right?

Some good news, E3 is coming up and I'm looking forward to the conferences so I can hear about all the nifty games I won't be getting.

And that's not entirely sarcastic.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Day For Idiots

I dunno what the fuck is up with people today, but gods be damned, all the idiots done left thei' homes.

There's nothing big to share, just a bunch of little things that add up to that inarguable fact. Like the sheer number of people I saw crossing the streets in the middle of traffic, neverminding the cars barreling toward them. Or the number of dumb ass drivers who don't know where their turn signals are or any basic rules of the road. Or this one big, white Dodge Ram that had no fucking clue what he was doing. Driving down the middle of two lanes, whipping around other cars, ignoring stop signs. He was fun to follow for a while. And this big tanker truck that kept drifting to the right and then over-correcting and whipping back to the left, more than once into the lane of oncoming traffic a bit.

All the idiots are out today. Remain indoors, please.

EDIT: Oh, and, a fun fact I learned today, Blistex medicated lip ointment apparently has tinfoil lining the inside, and that will set off a metal detector.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Not teenage, not mutant, but definitely a ninja turtle.

So, I'm on my way home today, just drivin' along. I come upon a big turtle in the middle of my lane, so y'know, I position the car so as to drive over him, between my wheels, as opposed to veering into oncoming traffic or straight-up rolling over the turtle. But, as we're driving over it, I hear a distinct THUNK! from under the vehicle, and my mother, who's riding in the passenger seat, says "Did you just hit the turtle?!" To which I replied, "No, I fucking drove over him. Maybe his shell hit against the underside of the car."

We decided to return and check on the welfare of this turtle. So, we walk along the shoulder of the road up to him [and he was a big son of a bitch snapping turtle, not some little cutesy thing] and the little fucker is snapping at cars going by in the other lane! XD At this point, people are noticing us in the street with this turtle, and they're stopping to look and comment before driving on. Oh, and would you like to know what that THUNK! was? Well, another car drives over him while we were standing there deciding what to do, and the turtle whips his head up at the car driving over him tryin' to bite it, smacking his head against the underside of it in the process. XDD So... yeah, big, angry ninja turtle.

Happy ending, though, a nice lady and a nice, albeit kind o' weird, older gentleman stopped and got out of their cars to help, aussi. We eventually pushed the little thing to the other side of the guard rail by the road, but, he was not happy about his lot in life, let me tell you. He was snapping and tryin' to get folk, grabbing and chewing up the sticks we were using to prod him to the side ['cause, I dunno about y'all, but, I like fingers right where they are, and homie turtle there could have bitten at least one clean off]. We could have grabbed his tail, but, he wouldn't let us get behind him, he kept circlin' to face off against us, and if one distracted him while another person went to the backside to grab his tail, this smart turtle would wrap it up tight against his body so you couldn't grab it.

So, yeah... whee, saved a pissed off turtle. Or, alternatively, I saved some cars passing by from a pissed off turtle. XDD

Friday, May 8, 2009

Mini-Reviews 36

It's still technically Friday...

Star Trek-- Great movie, see it. Yeah, that's about all I've got to say. See it. Even if you don't watch the television show or you're not that interested in it, see the movie. You'll probably like it even better than a Trekkie may!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Mini-Reviews 35

Holy hell, I watched a new movie! Midnight showings for the win.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine-- It's an okay action movie, if you don't mind heavy-handed dialogue, a lot of kind o' poorly done CG, and a lot of ridiculous yelling. And so long as you completely ignore the source material. Yeah, pretty much just okay, pretty good if you're just looking for some funny lines and stupid, fun action.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Doctor Horrible

Ya heard of it? I did a week or two ago. Couldn't really watch it, though. Doesn't run very well on this shitty computer. But, while Miss Jess'ka was here we watched it on her laptop and it's effin' delightful. NPH is awesome. It's funny, it's got good music that I now want to buy, and it's got it's more dramatic, heartfelt moments. It's 45 minutes and awesome, watch it!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

In case anyone was curious...

Where the hell were you all of yesterday and thus far today?

Well, Miss Jess'ka made an impromptu visit. I realize that doesn't mean much to most anyone reading this blog, as I've only mentioned her the once before, but, she's someone I've been chatting with a little while now and whom I initially met on OkCupid, which is a dating site. And it was a nice surprise, as I really only joined so that I could answer match questions and save my quiz results, so, woot for lucky happenstance. (^_^) Anyway, she came down incredibly early Tuesday morning...

Backstory, earlier Sunday she had mentioned that she'd like us to maybe stop off on the way home and see her. It's not my business to share her business, but, she wanted a massage and cuddle. Unfortunately, that obviously did not come to pass. So we were chatting Monday night and around midnight she brought up that she could be here in a couple of hours. I pussy-footed around for an hour and another half before agreeing, because I was exceptionally nervous about such an occurrence, not to mention I'm paranoid as hell. But, I finally caved and said yes, and I'm terribly glad that I did. I realize you can't completely know a person just from chatting, but, you can get to know some things and you can certainly build an expectation. I liked what I came to know and I expected positive things. But, anyway, so she left and got here around 3:40 and immediately hugged me [that is important, because I'm a very touch-oriented person, but I've learned that there are a lot of people who are not, so, letting me know right off the bat that she was comfortable was an excellent move]. And then we ended up not going to sleep at all.

Come morning, shower and figure what we're going to do with the rest of our day, so, I called Tebo a little before quarter of ten. He had a class 9:50 to 11:15-ish, but after that he was free, so, decision was made to call him back at 11:15. So, Miss Jess'ka decided to take a nap, though she barely slept. She didn't fall asleep to begin with 'til around 10:30, and then she woke up every five or ten minutes to ask what time it was. At 11:09 [don't ask why I remember the exact time, I don't know why] Tebo called and said he got out early. We decided to hit the mall and bomb around, grab lunch, whatev 'til 12:30 when Hans got out of his class. So, we did, and around noon-ish or so we left and made our way to Corning, specifically to see if Hans was home. Tebo spoke with Hans on the way there, apparently, because we ended up going straight to Denison[I have no idea if that's how it's spelt] Park to play throw a frisbee around. And that's what we did 'til about two, with Nicole [friend of Tebo's and Hans' mostly, I only kind o' know her] and Hans showing up eventually. Tebo and Nicole had a mandatory class at 2:15, so they went to that, Hans went home, and Miss Jess'ka and I stayed at the park for a little while longer. Then we came back to my house, stopping on the way to get gas and a couple things at Target. The rest of the night's not something I'm going to go into because I'm honestly not sure if I should [minds out o' the gutter homies, it's not dirty. Not all of it. (^_~)] Hmm... I did watch the first episode of Doctor Who [I suppose it's the new Doctor Who, at least that's what Miss Jess'ka always referred to it as], I can share that much. Anyway, we eventually slept, awoke in the morning, showered [ASIDE: I really can't stand not getting at least one shower in a day], and got lunch at around 11:30. Yeah, I got sick of sharing lots of random details, as well as, I'm again not sure what I should and should not share. And now I'm hoping she makes it home okay, because... I'm retarded and I worry like a motherfucker. I'm sure she will make it just fine, but, I worry about slight chances of things a lot. It's an unfortunate, very irritating character flaw.

Remembering details of multiple days like I've done this entry and last is time-consuming and a little tiring, so, if I may, I will end this on a saccharine but bitter-sweet ending. Miss Jess'ka left to go back home about 30 or 40 minutes ago and I miss her very much already, which is really made worse because it's likely to be a month or more before I get to see her again. Such is life, I suppose.

Monday, April 27, 2009

This past weekend

So, I got up at 7:30, awoke by a phone call from my mother wanting to make sure I take care of her plants. I got up, showered, got my stuff around, made sure there was plenty of food and water for the animals while I was going to be gone, and sat and beat Mega Man 2: Power Warriors, an arcade game I unlocked on my Mega Man Anniversary Collection disc. Tebo got here at quarter of ten and we were off within fifteen minutes, bound for Oneonta. Got there around noon-ish. Our excuse for this trip? OH Fest, a festival put on by the two colleges in town, Oneonta and Hartwick, plus the free concert. Personally, I think HO Fest has a better ring to it, but, that's beside the point! In reality, though, I couldn't care less about OH Fest or the free concert, it was just a good excuse to see some friends whom go to Oneonta.

So, anyway! We got to Oneonta, got our parking permit, Tebo and Jimi got lunch at Mills, a place on campus [yeah, keep track of how much I eat over the course of this weekend, I'm such a fucking idiot], and made our way down to Main Street, which was blocked off for OH Fest and packed with people. For the most part, OH Fest was incredibly boring. Mind you, it's only one or two, and the concert doesn't start 'til six. Whee. There were a couple things set up that I wouldn't have minded trying out, like this King of the Mountain climbing thing and this American Gladiator style arena, with little platforms two people stand opposite each other on and then try to push each other off with... I don't know what they're called, but, the staffs with the big pads on either end? Those things. And therein lies a moment to be shared! Tebo and Jimi weren't keen on trying these things with me, but, we did watch these two kids duke it out. Because we knew it was going to end in tears for one of them. And we were correct. Kid A is on the left, Kid B is on the right. Kid B turned to his right, no longer facing Kid A, and Kid A butted him in the side of the face with the end of his staff-thing. Kid B, understandably, crumpled while Kid A immediately hopped off his platform and got off the arena. There was a moment of concern wherein Kid B did not move, but he eventually stood up, removed his helmet, and went to leave the arena. I saw "went to leave" because, as he was getting over the wall, he fell on the other side. Insult to injury?

Other than that, nothing else happened. The three of us went to kill time 'til six, threw a frisbee around for a while. Nothing of interest. Around 5:30, 5:45, we went over to chill by the stage and wait for this free concert to start. Now's a good time to explain why I was not at all excited for this free concert. The line-up went like this: Eve6 was the headliner, with Separate Ways, a Journey tribute band, the Ataris, and, I learned once we got there, Rahzel from The Roots. I don't care about Journey, I don't care about Rahzel and his beatboxing, I don't like the Ataris, and I was only familiar with one song by Eve6, "Think Twice". Woo.

So, while we're waiting, watching Separate Ways get their shit set up, we people-watched. And there was this one creepy motherfucker. Just starin' at all the college girls, with his big, sunburnt bald spot and orange cushion he was constantly fluffing. There was one hilarious point where he just leaned really far toward this one group of girls settling down near him, blatantly staring creepily. It was awesome and horribly unfortunate all at once.

As for the bands... well, Separate Ways does indeed sound like Journey, so, go them. But... I don't care about Journey, so, I was uninterested. They had an hour-long set, during which time their singer ostensibly made a fool of himself as far as I'm concerned. There was a kind of sad moment where he brought his kids on the stage while he was singing and sang the song to them. It was sweet in concept, but, kind of ridiculous in practice. And there were several instances where he tried to make a joke and it just fell flat. There was a pretty funny moment where someone in front requested they sing Happy Birthday, because it was his 21st birthday. The singer basically called bullshit on him and said "Throw your wallet up here", which he did. And, sadly, that's where that story ends. He didn't sing Happy Birthday, but he did not vocally confirm whether it was the dude's 21st birthday or not.

After their set, I was a little hungry finally, so, we threaded our way through the crowd over to the Domino's trailer where I grabbed a slice of pizza, and made our way to a bench to chill through Rahzel and the Ataris, which we did. P.S., while I like beatboxing, and Rahzel was pretty good at it from what I heard of him, I don't want to sit and listen to that at a show. Not to mention, he was doing songs by Jay-Z and Kanye, whom I don't enjoy listening to. Blah.

Anyway, some time during the Ataris set we bombed over to a gas station up the road for a lavatory break and because it was a Stewart's and Tebo wanted some cookies. And here's another little moment to share! There was this big, rude mountain of a man in a red shirt there. Just a big fat fuck, who, apparently, was looking to get drunk, 'cause he at one point shouted at the folks working there, "Do you have malt liquor?!" But before all of that he was knocking constantly on the lavatory door while some poor girl was in there using it. And he was only in there a moment before he came out bitching about it. I don't even know what problem he had with it, specifically, he just angrily came out saying "Ugh, God!" Rude son of a bitch.

But, anyway, we made our way back to the stage and caught the last few Ataris songs, and then moved closer to the stage because we assumed Eve6 would be coming on next, and Jimi and Tebo were really looking forward to it. Oh, but no! Surprise, motherfuckers, Rahzel came back out! Woo, more beatboxing. And then he did some impressions, with sound effects and everything! Optimus Prime, which sounded more like Megatron, and a not-terribly-good Gollum. Yep. He finally got off the stage and they started setting up for Eve6, and even that took forever because there was a problem with the mics. No sound.

Finally, Eve6 came on and that was certainly the highlight of the show, as they were at least good at what they do. Legitimately amusing with jokes, and generally entertaining. See, the thing with Eve6 is, they're not bad, they're pretty entertaining, but... I just don't care. They're not bad, but, I don't think they're terribly impressive either. Just mediocre, from what I've heard. The guitarist is cute, though. But, anyway, yeah, definitely the best of what was there that evening. There was a guy there, though, who was apparently REALLY into Eve6. He was just screamin', headbangin', jumpin' around, singin' all the songs. Huuuuuge Eve6 fan, haha.

Anyway, the show ended, and we left. Made our way back to Jimi's dorm and basically just hung out 'til everyone crashed around two or 2:30 in the morning.

I awoke at nine, an hour before the alarm Jimi set at 10 to wake everybody up. Yeah, I don't like sleeping in later than nine if I can help it, so, my body's kind of conditioned to waking up around that time, unless I go to bed really, really late. Like, around four or five in the morning. But, anyway, so, I went and took my shower, came back and did crossword puzzles until their alarm went off and everyone else woke up/got up. Initially, the plan was to leave around noon this day, 'cause Tebo had work at five. So, the four of us, Tebo, Jimi, and Jimi's roommate Lauren, went to Jazzman's, a place on campus, around 11:30, where Jimi and Lauren got some breakfast, then back to Mills where Tebo got another sub. Yeah, I didn't get anything again. 'Cause I'm an idiot and just wasn't that hungry. Then back to the dorm where we basically hung out the rest of the day. I know what you're thinking: "The rest of the day? I thought you were leaving around noon?" Well, we decided to stay longer and Tebo called off work. (^_^) So, we hung out in Jimi's dorm. Tiina eventually came over around quarter of two because her and Jimi had a project to work on for costume history. And, yep. That's basically how we spent the rest of the day, hangin' out, keepin' each other amused, and keepin' each other company. Now, during this time, I got hold of Jimi's camera and just basically went temporarily retarded. I was taking pictures of eeeeverything, especially trying to get pictures of Tiina because she hates having her picture taken. And we like us a challenge. I'll post up all these pictures from the weekend once I get them from Jimi. So, yeah. Other ways we kept ourselves amused, we left the dorm door open and I'd just say hello to anyone who walked past. Only two people responded, though one of them responded three or four times, and one of the times she said hello first. Maybe not as amusing to anyone else, but, I thought that was pretty great. And... oh, I played Jimi's spectrometer glasses. Those things are effing cool. Colors!

But, anyway, during this time the fact I hadn't eaten anything but a single slice of pizza and some little chocolate chip cookies all weekend started to get to me. I was just feeling weak, and if I stood up I'd get lightheaded and a few times my vision went black. I'm guessing because I almost passed out? I dunno, I've never passed out before, but, I'm guessing that whenever that's happened to me in the past that it's the closest I've come to passing out. But, yeah, that went on for a few hours, but, I didn't want to suggest going anywhere because Tiina and Jimi had to get that project done last night. It was due today, after all. So... I know, I'm an idiot, let's just move on. Eventually around quarter of eight I did, though, say we should go get dinner. And we went to this place called Poseidon's and ate dinner. I had a burger, "fries" [they were actually potato wedges], and orange soda. Mmmm. P.S., their pickles suck, they tasted like salted cucumbers. And, yeah, I know, "Pickles are salted cucmbers!", but... no, they're not, shut the fuck up. Pickles and cucumbers taste distinctly different. And these did not taste like a pickle, they tasted like salted cucumbers.

But, yeah, once we were done we bailed, and Tebo and I headed home. That was about nine o'clock. I got home, I checked some e-mail, sent some messages to Miss Jess'ka and Jimi, and then took my tired ass to bed.

So, there you have it. I know I haven't posted in, like, two and a half weeks. I've just not had much to blog about, I guess? Or maybe just not felt like it? I've honestly not watched any new movies in that time, so I didn't even have that. And long, boring entries are what happen if I just detail what I did in these days. Not to mention, it's bound to get into TMI territory, ya dig?

Friday, April 10, 2009

Mini-Reviews 34

Redrum-- Not too bad. Kind o' campy, kind o' funny. Mediocre at best, boring at worst. And kind of ridiculous at times.Definitely could have done without the cartoon montage, aussi. I get it, low budget, ran out of money to shoot, do a cheap cartoon. Doesn't make it any less crappy. So, yeah, it has its moments, but, I wouldn't necessarily recommend watching the film just to see them.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tiny update

Two new games were purchased yesterday. Prince of Persia for the Xbox 360 and Teenage Zombies: Invasion of the Alien Brain Thingys! for the Nintendo DS. That is all.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Instead of a mini-review.

So, I didn't watch any new movies again this week. Whoopsy. But, I did play and beat a game this past weekend called Clock Tower 3 for the Playstation 2, so, I'll talk about that a little here, eh?

So, to start with, it's a pretty short game. First playthrough was about five or six hours. It doesn't feel long either, it definitely feels short as you're playing through it. The story moves quickly. And it's probably shorter if you don't get stuck wandering around and dying like I did at a couple points.

Which works as a natural segue into my next point that it's a pretty easy game. I know I just said I got stuck, but, those were mostly my own fault because I had not explored thoroughly or I simply didn't notice something. There's only one moment I can think of in the game where it's not immediately apparent you're supposed to interact with a part of the environment, but that's it. The only difficult part, really, can be the combat.

I don't know if it's me or the controls, but it took me a little while to get used to it. Once you get the hang of the battle controls, though, [which I did after the second battle] it's incredibly simple, even for the final battle [that one's time consuming, though.]

What else can I say about this game... it ranges from mediocre to bad, really. Though, bad in a way that you can laugh at, like some of the voice-acting, of course, but also some of the character movement in the cutscenes. Alyssa, the main character whom you control throughout the game, reacts in some strange ways to her fear, it's quite comical.

That brings me to another point, maybe it's just because it's a somewhat older game and it takes more to scare me, but, there are very few scary parts. There's definitely some tense moments where you'll wonder if you're going to get caught. And, I don't want to take everything from the game, there are some startle-scares when someone jumps out at you. But that's all, which could be attributable to its brevity.

To close out, it's not likely to be replayed much either, unless you fall in love with the story. You unlock some costumes once you've beaten the game. Most of which are somewhat risque, and all show some skin. Oh, did I mention these are for your fourteen-year-old character, no less? Yeah, another bit of, I imagine unintentional, hilarity. And if you play through again on your Cleared save, the game's difficulty is bumped up. As far as I know, though, there's nothing to be gained by completing this harder playthrough, so, unless you're a gamer who plays for the challenge, there's not much incentive. And yeah, that's it. Kind o' fun for the six or seven bucks I got it for, but I certainly wouldn't recommend it unless you can get it dirt cheap as well.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Mini-Reviews 33

Funny Games-- An interesting movie for most of it. I dunno if I would have called it good or bad. The fourth-wall-breaking was kind of interesting. But then there comes a part where one of the antagonists picks up a remote control and rewinds the movie. Whatever the film had going for it died at that point, at least as far as I am concerned.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Mini-Reviews 32

Dance of the Dead-- With a title like that and the premise of the film [a zombie attack on prom night and the only people left to stop the zombie apocalypse are the losers who didn't have dates to prom] I expected this to be a "so bad it's kind o' good" gory zombie flick. As it turns out, though, I really liked it. It's a good movie, funny little zombie comedy with plenty of gore and a touch of heart to the plot. The actors did excellent jobs, for the most part, and the writing wasn't too bad at all, dialogue-wise. The plot itself has some obvious foreshadowing, but, not bad at all. It broke one or two of my personal zombie rules, as well, but definitely worth seeing.

13 Hours In A Warehouse-- I'm not sure just what the problem is, but I was unimpressed. From about 10 minutes, maybe less, in 'til the end I was uninterested. I spent most of my time wondering what the hell it was they stole. I don't imagine I was supposed to. The acting's about what I expected, some decent B-level and plenty of terrible B-level acting. Same with the special effects and writing. Maybe its extreme mediocrity is its downfall?

I found this thing called YouTube

A four part Collection Update of everything I've purchased in the past year or so. Or, at least, all the Xbox, Playstation, and Nintendo games and DVD's.

The audio sounds like butt, I got lazy and decided not to clean it up. And I left a lot of blank spaces, I got lazy with the cutting. Bah.

Also, I didn't mention my two new CD's... because that's pathetic. Yeah, I only bought two new CD's. Kerli's Love Is Dead and Disturbed's Indestructible. So there you have it.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Put it in your mouth

So, y'ever heard of something that you had never heard of before and then you hear about it everywhere after that? I had something like that recently. I heard of something called FA [fat appreciation/fat appreciators]. Feeders and feedees. And now I'm hearin' it all over the place.

I'm not sure how I feel about it. At first, I was all right with it. Hells yeah, I appreciate me a thick chick. Or curvy/chubby/big, whatever you want to call it. But the more I hear about it the less supportive I am of such a lifestyle. It sounds like the extreme end of the spectrum so far. And then there seems to be a fixation on the weight number, which I am never comfortable with and I don't think anyone should care about that number or their BMI, which is even more fuckin' ridiculous. But, I digress, and I'm getting a little off the topic I intended. I was talking about the extremity of this FA thing. People insisting on being 500, 600 pounds, insisting that anyone less than that is immediately unattractive. I think it's wrong.

If there's anyone who thinks I'm incorrect in my understanding, please, correct me. I'd like to find that this isn't common in the FA lifestyle.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Explanation for the missing mini-review.

Mein chickadee called me on it, heh. I didn't watch any movies last week. At least, nothing new to me. So, no mini-reviews to share this past Friday, sorry.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Mini-Reviews 31

Trailer Park of Terror-- It's not very subtle in its charicatures and there's plenty of foreshadowing, but it's fairly well-acted, well-shot, and an entertaining, somewhat cheesy, gory little horror film, with a few [albeit sometimes fucked up] laughs along the way. Pretty good soundtrack involved, too. And an interesting cameo by Trace Adkins, though I don't think anyone who reads this will recognize him.

Watchmen-- Pretty damn good film. Insanely well cast, especially the Comedian, Rorschach, and Nite Owl II. To be perfectly frank, I still wasn't a big fan of the man chosen to play Ozymandias/Adrian Veidt. He did a well enough job, he just doesn't fit the character, visually-speaking. It wouldn't bug me so much if so much of the other cast didn't fit well. Only other minor complaint is the soundtrack. I mean, I understand that it's sort of a period piece, but, it was just somewhat jarring and entirely out of place to hear a lot of this old music start playing. Personally, I feel it should have been scored, no soundtrack.

3 Steps

A new Tebo Productions film! Entitled "3 Steps". Enjoy!

This is that vid we were working on like mad for a few days. I blogged about it a few ago.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A little bit of bitching

This may end up being very stream of consciousness. I've been weird the past... well, my whole life, but, more acutely the past few days. Or past... week? I'm really not sure. But... yeah. Like, I'm feeling much less talkative and I feel like I'm not engaging in conversation. Normally I do so by just asking a buttload of questions or asking for explanations/elaborations. But I'm not so much lately. I mean, I'm still just as curious, I just feel like... it's not my place, I guess? Like, it's none of my business, I shouldn't even be asking. And I find myself with nothing to say in response to things. Like, anything, even simple things. So, being that I am a very boring person with little to be talked about from my own life, I seem much less talkative. Or, I am much less talkative. I dunno. Speaking of being boring, I feel much more boring as well. I mean, I've always considered myself to be exceptionally uninteresting [which is kind of oxymoronic, now that I think about it], but, again, more acutely lately. Perhaps that has to do with being less talkative? Having these big gaps in conversation, long periods where I say/type absolutely nothing. Could be. To segue again, I think that's all I have to say. To end this, I am trembling uncontrollably for some reason... oh, wait, it passed. So, I'll end this with something else... oh, I've been eating a ridiculous amount of cereal lately. I don't know why.

EDIT: No, wait, I do have more. I feel very distant from everyone lately. Again, I'm pretty sure all of this goes back to being less talkative. Except for the cereal thing, I think that's unrelated. But, less conversation, less sense of connection? Maybe? When did I become reliant on that connection to feel well? Blegh. The internet's also very frustrating lately, for somewhat related reasons.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Your result for The Quick & Painless ENNEAGRAM Test...

6 - the Questioner

Thanks for taking the test !

you chose CY - your Enneagram type is SIX (aka "The Loyalist").

"I am affectionate and skeptical"

Questioners are responsible, trustworthy, and value loyalty to family,
friends, groups, and causes. Their personalities range broadly from reserved
and timid to outspoken and confrontative.

How to Get Along with Me

  • Be direct and clear.

  • Listen to me carefully.

  • Don't judge me for my anxiety.

  • Work things through with me.

  • Reassure me that everything is OK between us.

  • Laugh and make jokes with me.

  • Gently push me toward new experiences.

  • Try not to overreact to my overreacting.

What I Like About Being a SIX

  • being committed and faithful to family and friends

  • being responsible and hardworking

  • being compassionate toward others

  • having intellect and wit

  • being a nonconformist

  • confronting danger bravely

  • being direct and assertive

What's Hard About Being a SIX

  • the constant push and pull involved in trying to make up my mind

  • procrastinating because of fear of failure; having little confidence
    in myself

  • fearing being abandoned or taken advantage of

  • exhausting myself by worrying and scanning for danger

  • wishing I had a rule book at work so I could do everything right

  • being too critical of myself when I haven't lived up to my expectations

SIXes as Children Often

  • are friendly, likable, and dependable, and/or sarcastic, bossy, and

  • are anxious and hypervigilant; anticipate danger

  • form a team of "us against them" with a best friend or parent

  • look to groups or authorities to protect them and/or question authority and rebel

  • are neglected or abused, come from unpredictable or alcoholic families, and/or take on the fearfulness of an overly anxious parent

SIXes as Parents

  • are often loving, nurturing, and have a strong sense of duty

  • are sometimes reluctant to give their children independence

  • worry more than most that their children will get hurt

  • sometimes have trouble saying no and setting boundaries

Renee Baron & Elizabeth Wagele

The Enneagram Made Easy

Discover the 9 Types of People

SanFrancisco, 1994, 161 pages

Take The Quick & Painless ENNEAGRAM Test at HelloQuizzy

M.I.A. but not K.I.A.

So, I've been disappeared for the last couple o' days, for the most part. I popped in for a short while on Friday to see what the internets were up to, but, mostly been gone.

I've been working with Tebo on a new film, and we've got a sort of deadline. There's a film festival coming up, the SUNYWide Film Festival [SUNY stands for State University of New York, it's... I don't know what to call it, but, it's a family of dozens of colleges] and Tebo and I wish to enter our short film [called "3 Steps"]. All entries must be in by March 6th, though, so we've been working pretty hard and relatively non-stop to get it done in time. For example, I got up at 7:16 AM yesterday, Tebo came 'round about 8:00 AM or 8:30-ish, somewhere in between there, we went to his house, and worked on the film all day until we left his house at 12:30 AM today, technically. Only time we weren't working was when made a quick run to the post office and when we had some dinner at around 7:40 PM. We didn't rush it, mind you, we just sort of worked on it all at once instead of in bits and pieces over the course of a week or more.

Anyway, so, we finally completed "3 Steps" and I'm exceptionally pleased with it. We put a lot of work in it, did some new stuff for Tebo Productions vids, and it all came out great. Now! The trick is finding some way for anyone other than ourselves to see it. That includes the SUNYWide Film Festival, as we're having issues getting it into the format they want; we'll have to see if they will accept other formats or if it's a "Do it this way or you don't get in!" situation. But, aside from that, we've started working in a much higher quality of video and sound as of "3 Steps", which of course ups the file size, meaning it may not go up on YouTube, we'll see. We far exceed the 100MB file size limit set on non-Partners and I'm not even sure how small we can make it, no matter how much we degrade the quality. It's less than five minutes long and it renders out at 771 MB. So... yep. It may be the greatest Tebo Productions film so far that only a half of a dozen people will ever see.

Not to mention some crediting issues that are starting to aggravate and, to a certain degree, offend me.

Fun little post script to all of that:
At least my body was kind enough not to rebel against me until after we were finished with everything. As I said, left Tebo's at about 12:30 AM and got home around ten to 1:00 AM. Went to bed at 1:30 AM. Woke up sometime around four with awful stomach pains and very nauseous and... just not feelin' well at all. So, y'know, at least this bloated, disgusting carcass within which I reside had the courtesy to wait. It's not usually so kind at all.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Mini-Reviews 30

No Reservations-- Not too bad. I love Aaron Eckhart, that guy's a great actor, and Catherine Zeta-Jones isn't too bad, either. Not a big fan of films that kind of crash-land into the ending, though, and it's fairly cliché, but not a bad little rom-com.

Jet Li's Fearless-- Excellent film. Great fight choreography and a wonderful story. But, if you're someone who hates reading your movies, you won't like it, 95% of it's in Chinese and subtitled English.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Because of the two bowls of Lucky Charms?

So, I'm off to college. Weird start to begin with. I have no idea where, consider it an unnamed location. And it's... odd. We [folk incoming] are all outside on a huuuuge lawn, just chillin'. Oh, P.S., Tebo's apparently going to this college as well. I don't remember him being around at this point, but, it's just dream-knowledge, y'know? Anyway, I don't know who any of the people around me are, but I'm goofin' off with some of them and, of course, checkin' out the ladies present.

So, some sort of announcement is made and we're all heading inside, and people are grabbing their pillows, as we were told to do, and some people are also getting a blanket. One of the people nearby me has a stack of around 15 pillows or so, but I think it may have just been a communal pile because several people are grabbing pillows from it. And, in my dream-head, I wondered if this was something being offered by the facility, but I decide not to chance it and I look around for other alternatives. Because, y'know, I can't go in without a pillow. Lo and behold, I see a pile of my stuff, with a pillow on top! So, I grab it and head inside.

Once inside, we're all herded along to various auditorium/theatres. I walk inside the one I'm directed toward and see that there's not a lot of people yet, so, there's a good choice of seats. I look around and see a relatively empty area off to the left. I take a seat there, near the back, and sit and wait. There is a person [I'm honestly not sure of gender, but I think perhaps male?] to the side of the screen in the front with some sort of machinery, possibly a computer? It kind of looks like a projector, but, clearly a poor angle to project anything on to the screen. Anyway, remember that person is there. As the lights start to dim, a young lady [who looks like Nora Zehetner, but isn't actually her or any of her characters, y'know what I mean? Well, maybe her short-lived character in May. Anyway, it just looks and sounds like her] asks to sit next to me. Being the courteous gentleman I am, I agree.

This part gets kind o' fuzzy [I should have written this down sooner, it's already starting to fade]. A movie started playing on the screen. I don't know exactly what it was, all I remember is that it was lame. And somehow I started to hit it off with the young lady. Then, again somehow, it came to my attention that Tebo was in the same row as me, just across the aisle [did I mention I was sitting in the seat right next to the aisle? I don't think I did] dickin' around on his laptop. And we got talking to something about Batman costumes that we were going to dress up for [not Halloween, I know that much] and he was going to just do his Joker thing again, and he was asking me if I was going to go as Harley Quinn. Or maybe I suggested it? Can't remember for sure. But the young lady [have you noticed I don't know what her name was yet?] interjected with a question about two Batman books [one of which was Joker, I don't remember the second] which we obviously answered for her.

Also, there was something about the kind of humor I'm into that Tebo mentioned. He said something about me being into things that play-on-words, or jokes based around mishearing or misunderstanding. He even had an example from a film, but, I don't remember either the film or the example, but it had something to do with paying for something with a Mandarin orange [that was the misheard line]. I don't even know if that's from a real film or not, but, dream-I was familiar with it.

At this point, the film stopped, the lights turned on, and whomever the guy/gal down at the front was started yelling at me and Tebo to shut up. XD Then the film resumed.

The young lady opens her own laptop and we start typing messages to each other in Notepad. I don't remember what exactly [at least for this part], but I think it was just kind o' light flirty stuff and just general get-to-know-you conversation.

Okay, here's where it gets really weird. A man gets up on the opposite corner of the room and walks around in front of the screen and then up the aisle toward us. Bringing two bags of clothing and his pillow. That's not the weird part, because, and I shit you not, it's Broly. For those of you not as geeky, that's a character from a few Dragon Ball Z movies. Not the television series, the movies. And I don't mean, like, a real person version, either. I mean a cartoon was walking towards us. Like a scene straight out of Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, man. How I didn't notice the animé character earlier on in the dream, I don't know. My sub-conscious is just making this up as we go along, it's all ad-lib. And it's not out of place, dream-I does not question it. And he's huge! Not just muscle-bound and ripped, he's also about nine feet tall.

So, anyway, he comes up and he starts strutting and trying to show off for the young lady. XD She shuts him down, though, and in a final effort to show off how strong he is, he throws his two bags and pillow across the auditorium/theatre. The first bag of clothing doesn't make it, it lands on a guy in the audience, who kindly just throws it along to where it's meant to be. The second bag of clothes makes it, and then the pillow doesn't fly far enough and hits another person. Funniest part, a little more dream-knowledge, it's not that his throw isn't strong enough. His aim is awful. XD Broly sulks back to his seat.

We're nearing the end, I promise. The young lady and I resume our Notepad chatting, and she asks me a question... I don't remember what it was, but I remember it being poignant and I turn the laptop away from her so she can't see what I'm typing in response. After a few moments, in the middle of my typing, she teases, "You could have just said 'It's all right.'" To which Tebo pipes up, not even bothering to look up from his laptop screen, "Good luck with that. He's quite verbose." She laughs and smiles at me and then I wake up.

Y'know, dream-Tebo is correct, I'm quite the verbose motherfucker.

Friday, February 20, 2009

I'm Just A Statistic!

I found a study that I can't argue against personally. But I still don't buy it. XD It's worth a laugh, though.

Mini-Reviews 29

Max Payne-- Pretty much boring. I mean, the acting is great, I love Mark Wahlberg and Ludacris was a nice surprise, I didn't know he was in this film, and visually it looks cool, has a very nice comic-book-movie feel to the lighting and shots, but... it just didn't hold my interest, the story was kind o' blah, felt like it needed to be fleshed out more. Y'know what it feels like, to me? A very long first half.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

I hate titles, I'm bad at them

The venerable Mr. G mentioned earlier the fact that I don't really update much. I mean, I do the mini-reviews each week, but, I think he meant more of legitimate updates. And there's a good reason for that. First of all, I can never remember details to put into a blog when treating it like a diary or journal; when recounting events. And I the few times I have tried that style of blogging I hate it, I always feel like I'm forgetting something. I'm just not good at that.

As for my usual bloggings about random things or just ranting about how I feel... haven't had any random things I wanted to blog about. I take that back, I did earlier this morning, but I put it off and now I can't remember what it was. And I haven't done any introspective rants about myself because, well, for anything I want to talk about here is someone I don't want to read it whom may or may not still read this blog.

There's something: I never assume anyone reads this thing. Is that strange? Like, I'm always a little bit surprised any time there's a comment. "Oh, whoa, someone read that." Y'know? I dunno, just a little aside.

So, that's why there've not been any updates, except for the mini-reviews, if anyone else was wondering.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Mini-Reviews 28

Knockaround Guys-- Decent movie. I'm really not sure what else to say about it. I don't know that I would recommend it as a must-see to everyone, but, it's still pretty good.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Mini-Reviews 27

Taken-- Excellent film! Liam Neeson kickin' ass and even takin' a few names.

Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist-- Very sweet movie, I think, albeit fairly cliché at times. Still good, and not just because I adore Kat Dennings!

Brick-- Excellent film! I'm not sure I would recommend it to everyone, though. It's a bit quirky and stylized, but an excellent film that keeps you watching. Think film noir with teenagers. There's enough you can figure out on your own but still some things that'll come out of nowhere and surprise you.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Mini-Reviews 26

Sorry it's a bit late.

Midnight Movie-- Really well-made film, and overall pretty good acting. But the plot and dialogue just strikes me as uninspired and did pretty much nothing to hold my interest. It'd be interesting to see Jack Messitt make a film with a better written script, though.

It was pretty cool seeing some of the theatre things, though, since that stuff's pretty realistic, at least from my time spent working at a theatre.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Batpod's stupid

I've tried to get used to the Batpod from The Dark Knight, I really have. But I just can't, I do not find it appealing at all, aesthetically speaking. It just looks ridiculous to me.

Granted, I thought the same thing about the Tumbler when Batman Begins first came out, but that was different. I was merely upset at the change from the more classical Batmobile, which I adore. But, I got over that pretty quickly and I've come to love the Tumbler, it's badass.

But, seriously, the Batpod is stupid, no matter how many times I watch The Dark Knight.

Yeah, that's all, I just wanted to get that off my chest.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Physical self-examination is much more fun

So, whenever one of my friends would start dating someone I'd get this... bizarre feeling. Bizarre and entirely unpleasant. And for the longest time I've struggled with what the hell it is exactly. I think I finally figured it out.

You see, the most obvious explanation to me was jealousy. This is more for another blog for another time, but, long story short [and with some helpful alliteration], I fall for folk fairly fast. But, jealousy's never sounded correct to me. I mean, I'm a jealous son of a bitch, don't get me wrong, but this is a different feeling entirely. What else could it be, though? I think I finally figured it out.

I've realized it's not jealousy; rather, I'm over-protective. It's a feeling of worry, which I should have recognized all along considering I worry so often.

There have been instances where it is, in fact, jealousy, of course. But it's not jealousy every single time and with every single person. And it's not entirely jealousy even when I am feeling envious. I worry a lot. And I hate seeing my friends get hurt. And when they enter into an intimate relationship with some man or woman I don't know at all I immediately worry for their well-being. This other person is an unknown, to me at least, and they're opening themselves to them. And my mind likes to come up with worst possible scenarios first.

So... I'm a little less shitty than I thought.

Thank you for joining me on this insight inside my mind. Please remain seated until the ride has come to a complete stop, then depart in an orderly manner.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Mini-Reviews 25

Babylon A.D.-- It's nice seeing Vin Diesel doing action movies again, and the action's entertaining although Vin's tough guy character is a bit played out nowadays. But the film kind o' peters out near the end, I think.

Mirrors-- Not a bad movie, per se, but not terribly intriguing, either. Honestly, it has several moments where it's downright ridiculous. But! It has one of the most horrifying scenes I've seen in a horror film. You need to see the unrated version of this film just to see the bathtub scene with Amy Smart. You can turn the DVD off after that point for all I care, but, that is a must-see scene in my opinion.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Who dat? Who dere?

I'm curious how many and who read/reads this tripe, so, if you're here and reading this right now, drop a comment in the bottom there. Names would be appreciated, but, you can leave it anonymous if you've any desire to remain unknown. Secret!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Mini-Reviews 24

Fear-- I'm not sure how I've managed to never hear of this movie before. Mark Wahlberg, Reese Witherspoon, and William Petersen are all pretenders whom I admire. How how how? Anyway, it's a very good movie, especially Mark Wahlberg's performance.

Hancock-- I don't understand why people are disappointed with this movie, I loved it. It's very funny and I love the character of John Hancock; I think he's terribly intriguing.
I was a bit iffy when they introduced the female counterpart, but, it turned out better than I thought. I wasn't much of a fan of how it ended, though. Very powerful, then it cut to the "One Month Later" stuff that kind o' killed it for me.

Horton Hears A Who!-- I thought it was pretty good. I mean, you're pretty much going to know whether you like it or not before you even start watching it, but, yeah. This is more of a straight-up kid's movie as opposed to something like Shrek with lots of jokes for the adults, as well. So, as long as you dig children's films, you'll probably enjoy it.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

So, anyone else seen or heard of PETA's new ad campaign? If not, you should click that funny-colored text right there, it's definitely worth reading. I'll wait.

So, yeah... XDDDD

I'll repeat a couple of my favorite quotes:

"Most parents would never dream of spending a weekend torturing kittens for fun with their families, but hooking a sea kitten through the mouth and dragging her through the water is the same as hooking a kitten through the mouth and dragging her behind your car."
-- Ashley Byrne, PETA campaign coordinator

Now, maybe I'm just an evil motherfucker, but that made me cackle. XD

"I think I may eat some sea kittens tonight."
-- Brian Dixon, National Marine Fisheries Service management biologist

XDD The utter disdain I can imagine in his voice as he makes a mockery of this campaign is wunderbar.

And if you get a chance, look at these "bedtime stories". That is some dark, macabre shit in there. I have never in my life been so depressed by fish. XD

Sunday, January 11, 2009

How To Look Less Like A Dork 101

So, I was struck by a random memory earlier that... actually occurs quite frequently, but, whatever. I figured I'd share it.

So, in the fifth grade I was a fat nerdy kid with glasses and a mullet. Struth. And I had this great friend named... Nicole, I'm pretty sure. Now, as everyone knows, all nerdy kids push up their glasses by using the tip of either their forefinger or middle finger to push the center of their spectacles along the bridge of their nose. My friend Nicole saw me do this in the lunch line one day. She stops me and says, "You know, you'd look cooler if you pull them back by the earpiece instead."

No real importance, just felt like sharing.

Funny thing is, that's the only memory I have of her. Can't remember much of what she looked like. Long, dark, curly haired white girl who wore a leather jacket a lot of the time, and that's all I can remember. And I have no later memories of her. I remember that being some time in the first half of the school year. Nothing before or after.

But I always remember that when I push my glasses up on to my face.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Look at the elephant, mommy!

So, Britney Spears' Circus...

Can't help it, every album always has at least a couple good songs that I enjoy. At least, for the past couple. So, I like to give them a listen to hear what's there. I'm only about halfway through it, but, there's one line in particular, on the track "If U Seek Amy":

"Love me or hate me, but can't you see what I see?
All of the boys, and all of the girls, are begging to F-U-C-K me"

I literally rewound the track to double check what I heard. Had me laughing my ass off. XD

In Addendum: If you're gonna swear on your album, just fuckin' swear. Don't edit it out, it's annoying.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Hatchet Review on YouTube

That pretty much says it all, huh?

To make it official

Anyone other than Mr. G remember that bass song I was talking about in a vid a while back? Well, it's gonna be a bit before that is finished. Y'see, I jacked up the... cord that goes from the bass to the amp. I should really learn what that's called. But, that doesn't work anymore, so, until I'm less unemployed, that's on hold.

Mini-Reviews 23

The Woods-- I'm growing quite fond of Lucky McKee. May is a phenomenal film, and this isn't bad, either. Nothing terribly astounding, but it's an interesting little supernatural mystery. Plus an awesome little role played by Bruce Campbell.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Woot whoop, bitches!

I have a complete bathroom floor. Hell yeah!

Unfortunately, the toilet tank leaks and the bolts need to be changed. Blaaaah. It's almost annoying having a landlord who actually fixes stuff, haha.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

If it's not one fucking thing, it's a-gods-damned-nother

So, I recorded Just Between Us today. What's that, you want to hear it? Oh, that's wicked unfortunate, because I can't clean it up and mix it and make it sound less like butt! For some bizarre fucking reason I'm only getting sound out of the left speaker on the computer I use to record and mix. So, whee, awesome, huh? Yet another in a long line of excuses for why this damned project's on hold. >_<

In a related change of subject, I'm not entirely certain how this will affect vids for YouTube, as sound engineering is far less important for those. I'll get back to you on that. And, I'm still waiting on a few gifts I have yet to receive for birthday and Christmas this year and then I'll be doing a vid showing what I got.

P.S., fuck you technology! At times I'm almost tempted to become a Luddite and be done with it.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Mini-Reviews 22

The Legend of Bagger Vance-- First of all, I hate golf. And this movie is set against a golf tournament. Yeck. But, don't hold that against it! It's a good movie; amusing and heartwarming, although I could have done without all the "GOLF IS GREAT!" dialogue.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Pissed off kids are funny

Which is why I antagonize little shits.

So, quick back story, I woke up this morning to my mother yelling at Laurie, my sister, because she took my mother's glasses while we were sleeping and played with them. And subsequently lost them.

So, understandably, she was told she's not allowed to watch anything on television until my mothers glasses are found, and probably not even then. We will instead listen to my mother's choice of music. Well, they will. Laurie is displeased. She's sitting on the couch screaming, and she yells, "I just want a decent life! Without music! I don't even have a nice mom!" XD

And just now! I told her she couldn't play one of my Pokémon games on her GBA because she just walked in and started taking it out of the case without asking. She stomps out of the room to my mother's bedroom and tries to slam the door shut, but she fails in this task because her big, pink horse is in the way. I laugh [natch]. She gets even more infuriated and is yelling "SHUT UP!" while she moves the pink horse and tries to slam the door shut again... and hits something else that was in the way of the door closing. XDDD