Allow me to preface this by saying that, with the exception of the post made on the seventh, nothing recently has really been about anyone specifically. Except for this preface, which is really to mein Jess'ka and mein chickadee. =P No one did anything that upset me and sent me on a blogging spree. Promise.
On that note, though, it's not so much that I get particularly upset about people getting drunk, unless it's something that occurs often. It's just that I'm paranoid. And it's not even necessarily that I'm worried about a drunk friend doing something, it's as much that I'm worried about something being done to them, ya dig?
Also, this is a good time to say that this mostly applies to when they're drunk and I'm not there with them. If I'm there, aussi, I feel more secure and I feel more like I could help. I could maybe stop them from doing something stupid and hurting themselves or help them if a situation arose in which they needed help. So, that concept, idea, thing applies to both this and my last entry on inebriation. If I'm there, I'm far less concerned about it.
But, where was I? Oh, yes, my paranoia. Right, I worry a lot. Like, a whole lot. Irritatingly so. I worry about absolutely retarded things happening. And, as stated in the last one on a similar topic, bad things are more likely to happen when a person is inebriated. It opens certain windows of opportunity. And I'm quite the paranoid motherfucker. I realize, in rereading it and based on responses to it, that it seems I'm placing all kinds of negativity on drunk people. "Ohhh, you're drunk, you're a bad person and you're going to do terribly, awful, bad things." It's not that at all. Okay, that's not true, that's part of it. But, far more of a concern on my mind is "Oh, you're drunk, blackouts/passouts are quite likely. You may get hurt." So, while I worry about whether or not a person may make a bad decision [and believe me, there's a particular concern there, remember, trust issues], I'm far more worried about whether or not something bad is merely going to happen, whether it's the drunk person's decision or not.
And all of that, to say again, is really only when I'm not there, aussi. When I can't know what's going on.
Friday, July 10, 2009
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