Friday, May 16, 2008

I Feel...

Old. Among other things. How fucked up is that? This also brings up a metaphysical question; Am I old enough to feel old? Surely I haven't experienced enough in my life to be considered old by any means. But, alas, I feel out of touch. As odd as it sounds, I don't understand kids these days. Then again, I don't understand kids of my own age-bracket. Well... it's complicated. I understand them, but I don't get it, y'know what I mean?

Though, I don't feel there is anything age-restricted, but that belief only pertains to psychological matters. On a physiological level, I'm certainly far too young to feel old... right? But I do, I feel as though my body has aged more than it should. I have problems with my knees, my back's starting to ache more and more... I feel as though I'm deteriorating faster than I should be.

Well, that's enough pretentious bullshit for now.


Mavrek48 said...

Maybe you have a old soul man, no problem with that. And about your knees and things that could be tons of different things. But hey you know yourself better than anyone. FYI, I don't mind who you are.

Shepdawg25 said...

As sad as it is to say, I feel you. I've had more physical problems in the last year, than I've had my whole life. I'm totally with you on our age bracket thing, maybe it's because I had to grow up quicker than most when my dad bailed on our family and the fact I'll be married by years end? I'm totally with you on this, it sucks.