Monday, December 22, 2008

Bathroom Exploits

So, spent the majority of today helping [read, mostly watching and learning while helping where I could] Tim [the maintenance guy] work on the bathroom floor some more. Replaced all the floorboards that needed replacing, put down floor leveler, and started putting down the tile, which I think looks really nice by the by. Got more than half of it down, so almost done. Also, lifted the corner of the tub so that it doesn't leak over the edge anymore. Woot! So, the problem won't repeat itself any time soon hopefully.

Unfortunately, the toilet's leaking now and needs a new hose. At least it's the clean water running into the tank that's leaking and not sewage. Whew. But, not a huge problem, we've just had to turn the tank on to fill and flush then back off again. Not a big deal, had to do that for years at the old house, haha.

But! The current problems are almost fixed! I'm sure more will go wrong. The lighting fixture worries me, but, we'll see, we'll see.


Mr. Grape said...

So what exactly happened to the apartment before you guys moved in?

Did it see combat during WWII, or what?

Sixty X Celph said...

Close! It saw a more than 400 pound man.

Mr. Grape said...

Oh... 'nuff said!

*sympathizes with the inanimate structure*