Saturday, July 21, 2007


Sometimes I feel like I have no real friends anymore. (-_-)

Sometimes I... I touch myself. Inappropriately. (^_~)

Sometimes I wonder what would happen were I to die. (>_>)

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to kill. (<_<)

Sometimes I consider conforming and resigning to a passionless life. (>_<)

Sometimes I want to be left alone. (-_-)

Sometimes I just want someone to be there with me. (>_<)

Sometimes I feel like everything I do and say is irritating. (-_-)

Sometimes I scream. (>_<)

Sometimes I just plain think.

1 comment:

Stormy said...

Sometimes I ... really wonder where you get this stuff.

Sometimes I ... wish I had more time to chat with you.

Sometimes I ... think about things similiar to your own thoughts.

Sometimes I ... really love your little face things.