Friday, September 21, 2007

So much

There is so much I want to do with my music, but I lack the connections and the capabilities to make the shit happen.

AND, I'm getting sick, and nasal congestion can make recording anything huge pain in the ass. (>_<)

As if I have anything new to record. Ugh, I suck.


Dally Doll said...

*pats your shoulder*

Your time will come, grasshopper.


*takes a tissue, passes you the box*

Cameron Clarke said...

Maybe if you got yourself some actual musical talent instead of leeching off other people this whole time you wouldn't have this problem right now.

Sixty X Celph said...

But that's the problem! I'm a vocalist, not a musician, I suck at the music part. I don't even particularly like playing music, I'm beginning to find.

Cameron Clarke said...

Then find another hobby.

Sixty X Celph said...

Like what, trollin' internet forums?

Cameron Clarke said...

Whatever you want.

I don't see why you'd do something you don't enjoy doing, unless of course you just don't want people to know that you're a worthless, talentless piece of shit.

So if that's the case, by all means keep doing what you're doing. Keep dreaming of being the singer in an electro rock band, and touring with KoRn, and maybe finally getting laid.

Or you can realize that that will never happen, that your voice isn't good or special in any way, and that music just isn't for you.

Sixty X Celph said...

I think there's been a misunderstanding, Cameron. I don't enjoy creating the music, part of it. At least, not on my own. What I enjoy is singing and writing. The vocal and lyrical aspect of it.

Also, I'm not gonna quit and admit my voice sucks until you do, Cameron, and maybe not even then.

P.S., I don't dream of being in an electro rock band. Try again.

Cameron Clarke said...

Yeah, music probably isnt for you.

Also, loloo. I can sing several times better than you, and I will honestly probably be making music (singing and writing, lolo) for years after you decide to quit. So don't even bother trying to step.

Sixty X Celph said...

Blah blah, if you're so much better, why can I stand the sound of your voice?

And you seem to have this idea that I intend to quit anytime soon. Care to share when that would be, considering you think you know so much about me?

Cameron Clarke said...

Mr. Grape also likes ICP.