Tuesday, November 4, 2008

First and last time

So, I really don't think I can handle voting and Presidential campaigns.

I tried it this year, albeit I didn't follow closely. And I got very wrapped up in who I want to be President. Or, more appropriately, who I don't want to be President.

But now, if any of my friends disagree with me, anyone whom I care for a great deal, I get a sick, sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. And, I'm not proud to say, I immediately start to think less of them. (-_-) Believe me, I know. I don't want to, but I can't help it, and I feel like a big fat jerk for it. When someone whom I love disagrees with something I'm so fervent about, it makes me go "How are we friends? How long can we possibly remain friends?" Even friends I've had for years and years!

So, I can't do this again, sorry democratic process, but you cause me too much distress. You make me physically ill and you make me question my relationships. I can't deal with it. Peace, I'm out!

1 comment:

Stormy said...

-shakes head-

Fuck Politics. Lets run away together to the North Pole. We can chill with the polar bears and Santa's Elves.