Saturday, June 30, 2007

Double-you Tee Eff.

So, as I was walking home from work today, I stopped in the local high school football field. I looked around me, at the homes, at the lady jogging, at the kids playing at Craig park. I looked above me, at the trees, at the clouds, at the blue sky, at the sun. And in the few minutes this took me, I was thinking... wow, I'm insignificant and small. All but a handful of people would be completely ignorant of my death if I were to die in my sleep tonight. And it's the same for most people, people who'll die while I'm sleeping tonight and I have no idea. Man truly is a small creature when compared to the planet we inhabit and the number of species which dot it's various environments.

I resumed my trek homeward... and another thought struck me...

What the fuck was all that angsty, pretentious bullshit doing in my head?


Stormy said...

Old age.

That's what it was.

Mr. Grape said...

I don't see how that's angsty or pretentious, but yeah, most individuals arn't really too important in the grand scheme of things, and once you're gone everyone will move on without a care, which is why you only have a small window of oppertunity to leave your mark on the World.