Monday, June 9, 2008


Is it weird that I accept that all of my friends are better than me? This is a realization I came upon a few minutes ago. All of my friends are more successful than me. I am a tag-a-long. A coattail-rider, if you will.

Let me detail some of my friends for you and show you what I mean.

One makes music, great music. Probably the best programmer I've ever heard, definitely the best one I know. She also draws a comic. And does a good job from what I've seen, especially for someone who doesn't really do much visual art.

One is yet another musician, and damn good. A variety of musical projects, numerous songs for each. He's also run a fairly popular podcast.

One makes vids. He likes to say that I'm an equal part of it, but, he's gotta be trying to make me feel better. Or he's fooling himself. Either way, he does most everything, and I help out as much as I am capable. Good way to explain it, he could easily continue without me. There wouldn't be anything if it were just me.

There are dozens of examples, but, I imagine that gets my point across. All of my friends are better than me. But, this doesn't bother me. I'm not brought down by this; I am, in fact, quite happy simply to know them and be their friend. To be a part of their lives.

A coattail-rider.

But, then, what does that say about me?


Shepdawg25 said...

No one is ever better than you. Some maybe more exceptional in one area or another, but no one is EVER better.

Everyone has to find their calling. You haven't found yours yet. I haven't either. I'm working two jobs and can't decide if I'd rather be a business owner or a General Manager at Best Buy.

It will come to you Sixty. Don't worry.

Anonymous said...

Cool story, bro.