Sunday, August 17, 2008

Ladies! Your boobs and vaginas are fine!

Ugh, I am so sick of fake boobs, botox, vaginal rejuva-fucking-nation, seriously, what the fuck?!

Ladies and gentlemen, but most importantly ladies... STOP. No more elective plastic surgery. It's sickening. So you're rockin' A-cups, eh? So rock 'em like they're hot! Don't get sacks of silicone stuffed under your flesh. Got some wrinkles around your eyes, on your forehead? Fuckin' live with it, don't inject poison into your face! Think your lips are too thin? You're a fuckin' idiot, stop whining and obsessing over your appearance so much that you feel the need to have someone inject collagen into your lips! UGH!


Mr. Grape said...

I fully agree, there's nothing more disgusting than a girl filled with plastic.

I mean sure, there's obviously a few rare cases where it makes an improvement, but normally it just looks completely fake and nasty.

Natural bodies are far more appealing to me, and it's usually the flaws that become the best part.

Sixty X Celph said...

Oh, definitely there are instances where I think that plastic surgery's not a bad thing. Like, a horribly disfiguring car fire. Plastic surgery's a nice thing to have then!