Friday, August 15, 2008

Mini-Reviews 07

Ugh, sorry it's late, I suck. And, I have illusions of grandeur and seem to think there's even people waiting to read these for me to apologize to. And I end my sentences with prepositions... go me!

Doomsday-- Not that I'm necessarily complaining, but, why are post-apocalyptic societies all about the funky haircuts, dyed hair, and tattoos? I mean, really? Good movie, though, I enjoyed it very much. Hella gorey, but, I was watching the unrated version. Character development's not present much, and I didn't find myself with any real attachment to the people who die, but, who cares! Rawr rawr, blood and violence! That seems to be what this movie's basically about; action and violence. Enjoy it for what it is.

The Planet-- B-rate sci-fi film from Britain! Sounds Scottish, but, I'm an ignorant American so I could be wrong. Either way, it's not too great. Acting's good enough, for a B-film. The CG and sound effects seem like they belong in an old Dreamcast or Playstation vidgame cutscene. And sometimes worse. Fairly short film, as well, at about an hour and ten minutes. The story's well enough, I suppose, but there's a shortage of explanation and conclusions. Right up to the end, which made no sense.

Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay-- If you enjoyed Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle, you'll probably enjoy this. If you didn't... you won't. Funny as hell, though it managed to be more vulgar [the unrated cut, anyway]. Just a heads up for anyone who'd care.

Lost Boys: The Tribe-- Did Feldman's voice actually get worse over the years? First and foremost, it's not fair to compare this movie to the first Lost Boys. They're two separate films from two different points in time. But, I'm going to, anyway. (^_^) Several things are straight-up over-the-top about this film. And Angus Sutherland's acting is a little... much. And the decision to use demonic voices for the vampires is wicked annoying. Maybe I'm just remembering the first film incorrectly, but, this one seems a little more about the gore, particularly fake intestines, but, that's not necessarily bad, right? Anyway, it's not an entirely bad film, but, it's not that great, either. Even if you don't compare it to the first film. Haim's cameo's cool, though.

Never Back Down-- Kind of an odd mix of MMA [Mixed Martial Arts] and a teen movie. Kind of has a Karate Kid feel to it, but, I don't think it'll be quite as iconic, haha. It's not bad, I suppose, but it ain't that great, either. Djimon Hounsou is awesome, of course. And Sean Faris does well enough. The fights are really cool, easily the best parts of the film. If fighting isn't your thing, well, this obviously isn't the film for you. The soundtrack fuckin' sucked, though, ugh. Just about every song was awful.


Mavrek48 said...

Very nice, have been interested in Doomsday, probably check it out now, good job.

Mr. Grape said...

You know, i was kind of interested in "Never Back Down" when i first heard of it, just because there aren't any mixed martial arts movies out there, only every review i read from MMA fans said the entire thing was an absolute joke.

So after reading your mostly negative review, i think i'm going to skip that one, permanently.

Sixty X Celph said...

Mavrek, I've heard that it rips off the Mad Max films quite a bit, but, I've never seen Road Warrior or any of that. Just a heads up.

Well, Mr. Grape, I dunno how it compares to real MMA, so, I can't speak on that.