Friday, September 12, 2008


Didn't watch any new movies this week. I did watch Predator again, though, hadn't seen that in awhile... so, go watch that!

In case anyone's curious, had my first five hour session of GED tests. Another five hours tomorrow morning. And then I'll either have my GED or proof I'm a failure. Either way, I'll never have to do it again!


Shepdawg25 said...

Proud of you man. Goodluck!

brody80 said...

Predator is a great movie, one of my favorites. Watched it numerous times. Especially liked when they all freaked out and started shooting into the jungle and pretty demolished the tress and everything in their path.

Hope all goes well with the GED. And don't ever consider yourself a failure. You're very well spoken and you write very well. You use good grammar, punctuational, and good spelling.