Monday, July 21, 2008

E3 2008: Microsoft

I apologize if these haven't terribly interesting, but, these have been my opinions on each E3 conference. Let's get to the last one, Microsoft's.

Woot, Fallout 3 gameplay footage! This is a game I've been kind of following [as closely as I follow any game, that is], so it was nice to get a look at it finally. Looks wicked. I'm really hoping the marching band music isn't ever-present in the game... that'll get irritating, haha. Resident Evil 5, of course. Looks awesome; co-op could be so much fun. But, I'm far more interested in playing it on the Wii than on the 360 or PS3. We'll have to wait and see if it makes its way to the Wii eventually. It would be ridiculous for it not be on there, though. I was never able to get into Fable, tried a couple times, though. After hearing about Fable 2 and seeing the things that take place in the game makes me want to try it again, because Fable 2 looks awesome. Of course, Gears of War 2, which I've been looking forward to since the initial teaser trailer. This game looks awesome. I imagine the competitive multiplayer won't be changed all that much, though, so I probably still won't like that aspect, but, this "hoard" mode sounds pretty cool *shrugs*. Kind of a short presentation, as well, but it's always nice to see some gameplay footage. Portal: Still Alive could be interesting, I've been wanting to play Portal, just haven't purchased it yet. I never got into the Banjo-Kazooie series, what with never owning an N64, so, I'm only mildly interested in Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts. With the original coming to Xbox Live Arcade, though, I'll be able to give that a shot. Scene it? Box Office Smash looks like more of the same kind of Scene it? game, so, that should be fun. You're In The Movies should be entertaining with a group of friends... who are wasted. (>_>) Guitar Hero World Tour has a seemingly better drum kit, much cooler character creator, and the music creator is awesome. But, this is compared to Rock Band, while Rock Band 2 looks like it'll be shaping up to be awesome itself. Huge tracklist, better drum kit, better guitar, expanded character creator, all the downloadable songs and almost all of the tracks from Rock Band are playable on Rock Band 2... two awesome full-band music games. Fuckin' woot! Guitar Hero Metallica should be wicked, depending on what songs they use in the game. Lips looks almost exactly the same as Singstar, but with a cooler microphone. Being able to sing from my own music collection should be awesome, since the song list usually sucks except for a few good tracks on these karaoke games. I've been looking forward to Infinite Undiscovery and The Last Remnant for awhile now. I'm not as excited for Star Ocean: The Last Hope, but I'm still thinkin' it'll be good.

I'm not sure how I feel about whatever this South Park game is. (o.0) The "trailer" was, like, 10 seconds long and no information was given about it. Just that there's a South Park game coming for the Xbox 360! But, what kind of game?

1 Vs. 100, not interested, it looks like an MMO-type game. Never go into Geometry Wars, so, Geometry Wars 2 holds very little interest. Galaga Legions doesn't look like my kind of game, either. Not terribly interested in that kind of hectic, enemy-filled screen kind of gameplay. No interest in Viva Piñata: Trouble in Paradise, either. And I really don't care that Final Fantasty XIII is coming to the 360, as I haven't been interested in a new Final Fantasy game since... number eight or nine, I forget which now. But not since the original Playstation.

The Xbox Live Community Games looks like it could be really awesome.

Non-game stuff! I'm kind of tired of hearing about how Xbox Live instantaneously connects you. They really need to amend that and add "... so long as you pay us/them. Otherwise, you can't do shit with your friends except talk to them."

Much like with the Sony conference, I've no interest in being able to download films onto my 360. And anybody who has "a pile of discs" to search through doesn't deserve to watch films, as far as I'm concerned. That's disc abuse! Get some cases and learn basic organization skills.

I'm really not looking forward to this new dashboard and, admittedly, a little more interested in the avatar things. Seriously, I like my themes, I like my gamer pictures. Fuck this shit. I'm pissed that I have, apparently, wasted money on the themes and gamer pictures I've downloaded, and that's fucking annoying, Microsoft! Motherfuckers. I do like the Live Party thing. It'll solve the problem me and my friends have where we can only do private chats one-on-one, and we don't generally like to actually chat in the game room, because people are idiots and I hate them. Now, I can remain in a private chat with just my friends! (^_^)

Am I just weird in that I don't want to integrate everything I enjoy doing onto one box? Particularly a box that fails and breaks as consistently as the Xbox 360 does? My television and movies are done separately, and I prefer it that way. No thank you, Netflix! And, seriously, watching movies together... online? What the fuck? (o.0) I think Microsoft has gone insane, y'all.

There, finally made it through all the conferences. *whew*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice E3 reviews! It looks like it'll be a great year for Sony! Finally the PSP will get some more good games. It's been so long x_x

I like your blog. I followed the link from youtube and yeah here I am on your blog! You seem to be a pretty interesting dude! :D Wanna exchange links?