Friday, July 18, 2008

Mini-Reviews 03

I've decided I'm just gonna upload these each Friday with what I've watched over the past week. I've got a whole lot of free time lately, so, these'll probably be pretty big as I'm watching at least a movie a day, most of the time two.

Hitman-- Pretty good. I knew Timothy Olyphant would do a good job, he plays a great villain, which is basically what Agent 47 is, really. Was concerned about the quality of the plot and writing, but, it was fairly decent.

American Gangster-- Two hours and fifty-six minutes, roughly. Granted, that's the unrated, extended edition. But, it's only longer by 20 minutes or so. And it's about an hour before the film starts to get interesting. Too damn long, too damn self-indulgent. Good story, nice ending, just way too long.

Shutter-- Fairly ridiculous film in my opinion. It takes forever setting up the film, during which time nothing really scary happens. 50 minutes into the film, shit starts to go down, and some of it's creepy, but some of it's plain silly, as well. Like watching a tall, chubby guy run down a hall and hop over a railing. And then, bitch gets attacked by curtains, I shit you not, and fends off the ghost by yelling at it. Anticlimactic, completely predictable, with the by now cliché "it ain't really over!" ending.

Death Toll-- Not good. A couple good actors, Lou Diamond Phillips and DMX. Unfortunately, DMX makes a total of four appearances, and Lou Diamond Phillips isn't really a big part, though his role grows larger by the end. But, aside from some good rap songs, the film's lacking otherwise. Generic script, plot, dialogue, and B-quality or lower acting, film quality, and audio quality.

Drillbit Taylor-- That little fat kid is fucking awesome. And, I'm probably late to the party, but, has anyone noticed that all of Owen Wilson's characters are the same guy, just with different backgrounds and settings? But the kids in this film are hilarious. Overall, the film's decent.

1 comment:

Mavrek48 said...

I like these mini reviews, keep em coming Sixty